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3 steps for teams to break down the barriers of complexities

Experience Designer Ella Stoner walks through a three step tool for improving clarity, removing egos, and creating an inclusive problem-solving environment.

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About this Webinar

Ella Stoner
Experience Designer, Spark New Zealand
Te-Whanganui-a-Tara, Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand

Speaker bio:

Ella is a creative thought leader and has facilitated over 50 Human Centred Design Workshops. Ella and her team developed a Cloud Product that enables New Zealand businesses to connect with Public Cloud Services such as Amazon, Google and Azure in a human-centric way.

She has a passion to help teams see any space through a simple lens to foster an environment for anyone to creatively solve problems in.

Talk description:

From the depths of a complex business to business environment in a world with cloud products and network engineers talking in acronyms was born a simple three step tool for improving clarity, removing egos, and creating an inclusive problem-solving environment.

Simplicity advocate Ella Stoner has applied this three-step tool to many spaces that needs solving or designing for – regardless of the level of complexity. It bulldozes that looming assumption that everyone knows what they are talking about and upon completing the tool together, everyone will feel more relaxed and on the same page before even beginning to think about the approach to the work.

It’s something that’s small, compact and keeps a rather delicate thing safe – a nutshell. She’s here to talk to you about how to use a nutshell in your working life to break down the barriers of complexities.

About this Webinar

Ella Stoner
Experience Designer, Spark New Zealand
Te-Whanganui-a-Tara, Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand

Speaker bio:

Ella is a creative thought leader and has facilitated over 50 Human Centred Design Workshops. Ella and her team developed a Cloud Product that enables New Zealand businesses to connect with Public Cloud Services such as Amazon, Google and Azure in a human-centric way.

She has a passion to help teams see any space through a simple lens to foster an environment for anyone to creatively solve problems in.

Talk description:

From the depths of a complex business to business environment in a world with cloud products and network engineers talking in acronyms was born a simple three step tool for improving clarity, removing egos, and creating an inclusive problem-solving environment.

Simplicity advocate Ella Stoner has applied this three-step tool to many spaces that needs solving or designing for – regardless of the level of complexity. It bulldozes that looming assumption that everyone knows what they are talking about and upon completing the tool together, everyone will feel more relaxed and on the same page before even beginning to think about the approach to the work.

It’s something that’s small, compact and keeps a rather delicate thing safe – a nutshell. She’s here to talk to you about how to use a nutshell in your working life to break down the barriers of complexities.