- Let’s get started
What is first-click testing?
When to use first-click testing?
- Creating and adding tasks
What makes a good task question?
How many tasks should you include?
Adding your tasks
Adding images to a task
Set correct answer areas
Task options
- Messages and instructions
Adding messages and survey instructions
Using redirect URLs
- Adding a questionnaire to your study
Why you should consider adding a questionnaire
How you add a questionnaire to your study
What to include in a questionnaire?
- Settings
The settings tab
Setting up your first-click test
Course 1 of 3 in First-click testing
This course covers all you need to know about setting up a first-click test with Optimal.
In the next few lessons you will learn about the versatility and best practice of first-click testing. How to plan and set up a first-click test, and how to deploy them to get optimal insights fast.